Children & Parenting

Harmonious Co-parenting with a Disagreeable Ex

Oppugnant. It’s a fine word, though few people know it. Use it the next time you are dealing with a disagreeable ex-spouse. A disagreeable spouse seeks discord, antagonizes you, or is openly hostile to you and your co-parenting plans. Remind your divorced spouse that being discordant, contentious, hateful or just plain nasty — serves no good, not for you, not ...

By |January 20th, 2025|

What Legal Rights Do Men Have in Divorce?

Virginia law can be quirky and outdated. For example, Virginia Code § 18.2-365 (still on the books) says married people cannot have sex outside of marriage. It’s a Class 4 misdemeanor but it doesn’t stop Virginia swingers clubs from … uh … meeting. Virginia law is largely designed to be gender neutral. With family matters like divorce, men stand on ...

By |January 13th, 2025|

Virginia Child Support

This article is a part of our Family Law 101 series. Jump to a Section What is Child Support? What are the Child Support Laws in Virginia? What Is Child Support Used For? Who Does Child Support Go To? Who Pays Child Support? How Much is Child Support? When Child Support Is Due At What Age Does Child Support Stop? ...

By |January 6th, 2025|

Criminal Child Neglect & Virginia Child Neglect Laws

Recognize this? “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects …” It is the beginning of the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, the origin of all “right to privacy” laws in our country. But what happens when a parent’s right to privacy leads to horrific crimes by that parent’s child? How do Virginia’s child ...

By |December 20th, 2024|

4 Essential Tips for Surviving Divorce During the Holidays

During the holidays, many people are full of good cheer and planning elaborate family gatherings. However, if you’re currently going through a divorce or recently went through one, you may not be feeling the holiday spirit. The first holidays alone can be a painful reminder of what was and what will never be again. However, if you have children, it’s ...

By |December 3rd, 2024|

FERPA & Stepparent Access to School Records

Grandparents, Aunties, and Uncles all enjoy that in-between family space that allows them to spoil children and yet take no responsibility for them. But what of stepparents? Are they legally responsible for stepchildren? Can they exert any power over the little rascals? And what if a stepparent wants to take a peek at Junior’s school records or communicate about their ...

By |December 2nd, 2024|

The Best Parenting Time Schedules for the Christmas Holiday

Christmas is a tradition dating back to 336, and through the millennia it has survived wars, pandemics, and cynics. Never doubt it can survive your divorce, too! Creative, equitable parenting time schedules are possible. Jump to a Section Early Christmas Alternate Years School Break The Night Before The Reason Early Christmas Don't forget the option of requesting an early Christmas. ...

By |November 26th, 2024|

What Percentage of Fathers Get Custody?

Our modern society depends on numbers. We look for reassurance in numbers (tidy bank balance?), in planning (what are the dates of my vacation?), and choosing our battles. Should a Virginia Dad try to win sole custody of his children? How often do fathers get sole custody in Virginia? What do the numbers tell us? What does experience tell us ...

By |November 18th, 2024|

Maintaining an Unbreakable Bond with Your Children During Divorce

In 2021 Virginia had a 3.1 percent divorce rate, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A lot of Virginia’s 1.8 million kids have to deal with the life-altering effects of separation and  divorce. A lot of Virginia’s separated and divorced Dads want to continue strong relationships with their kids. But how? Jump to a Section Children of Divorce ...

By |November 4th, 2024|
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