Free Family Law Guides & eBooks

The Ultimate Men’s Divorce Guide
This 30-page men’s divorce guide was designed to help you navigate through the various layers of separation and divorce as  a man. The guide includes information on the separation process; residency and jurisdiction; pleadings and service of process; options in divorce; custody and visitation; and military divorce.


The Men’s Military Divorce Manual
Our 30-page military divorce guide for men will arm you for the best possible outcome in your divorce case. Covering everything from Virginia residency and filing requirements to the SCRA, separation agreement, military retirements, health and life benefits, and more.


The Father’s Essential Guide to Child Support in Virginia
This 25-page guide includes information on determining and changing support, court considerations, unemployment/underemployment/incarceration, penalties and much more. Bonus content includes Your Child Support Defense Plan and Reducing Your Financial Liability (without court).

Interactive Family Law Tools

Divorce & Separation Red Flags
Don’t go in blind! Use our Red Flags tool to identify potential issues in your separation or divorce case. Learn the subtle and not-so-subtle nuances of the city of filing, living arrangements, custody, military concerns, and more!


Virginia Child Support Calculator
Our Virginia Child Support Calculator is modeled from the software we use ourselves to run guidelines for support! If you want a good idea of what you may be paying for child support or what may be owed to you, look no further.


Virginia Military Retirement Divorce Calculator
If you’re a military man on the verge of divorce, our Virginia Military Retirement Divorce Calculator can help you calculate the marital share your wife will be entitled to. All you need is two simple numbers … it’s that easy.


Virginia Spousal Support Calculator
Although there’s no set formula used by Virginia courts, our calculator uses the Fairfax Formula, which is often used by Virginia judges calculating spousal support.


Other Helpful Resources

Virginia Family Law Dictionary
Want to know what Rotating Custody is? Curious about Natural Guardians? We have you covered. Delve in and get familiar with Virginia family law terms from Alimony to Writ of Summons (No “Z” terms, Virginia?!).


Family Law Articles, Tips, and More
Settle in for hundreds of interesting, thought-provoking, and thorough family law articles on separation and divorce, children and custody, child support, and even quite a few taboo topics you might have never considered.