

Introducing A New Partner to Your Children After Divorce

Busch Gardens Williamsburg’s Pantheon roller coaster is rated the best in the state by Theme Park Tribune. Now, discerning Dad, what does that tell you about Busch Gardens as the ideal spot to introduce your new romantic partner to your kids? Not sure? We’ll tell you, but here’s a hint: A Virginia man has got to know his limits. Jump ...

By |February 12th, 2024|

Balancing Co-parenting Responsibilities with New Romantic Relationships

Virginia’s parents want to know about authoritative parenting. The state was among 30 whose parents searched “authoritative parenting” more than any other parenting style, says Google. Authoritative parenting sets limits on kids. After Virginia divorce, those limits can include boundaries around your romantic relationships. Jump to a Section Authoritative Parenting Authoritative Co-Parenting Post-divorce Romance Discussing with Your New Partner Kids, ...

By |January 2nd, 2024|

Money Matters: How to Budget in Your Post-divorce World

You are free, free, free! After divorce, embrace that heady feeling of being on your own again. You’re free to set your own schedule, free to eat what you want, free to go where you like. Don’t worry about getting too cocky. Real life will intrude. The car loan must be paid, rent or mortgage is due every month, and ...

By |April 17th, 2023|

Can My Wife Get More Spousal Support By Quitting Her Job?

In a nation with 50-year record low unemployment1, the idea of choosing to be unemployed seems ... odd. Whether underemployed or unemployed by choice, the spouse who connives to get by with less may be buying herself a world of misery. If she tries this strategy attempting to get more spousal support, let her know you have her number. She’s Too ...

By |March 2nd, 2020|

If My Wife Gets a Job, Will I Still Have to Pay Her Spousal Support?

Virginians sure have some peculiar ideas about how life works. For example, say a man wanted to attack his wife and a man with a knife. Where is the worst possible place to commit such an awful crime?  How about outside a courthouse? You know, like a big government building overflowing with police officers. The Virginian-Pilot reports that a Chesapeake man with poor decision-making ...

By |November 25th, 2019|

Should My Family and I Seek Counseling After Divorce?

The clothes wringer was invented in the 1880s by a woman, Ellen Elgin, and is still sold today. We mention it in passing because many of our clients feel as though their divorce has put them through the wringer, at least figuratively. After divorce, if you feel wrung out, twisted in knots, and a bit soggy, could counseling help? Counseling ...

By |March 20th, 2019|

Can Text Messages Be Used as Evidence in Family Law Court?

Virginia’s laws of evidence are described and organized in great detail in the Rules of Supreme Court of Virginia (616 pages and no pictures!). Thumb through to page 95 and you get to the Good Part, the Virginia Rules of Evidence, which continue along to page 175, a tedious and tiresome 80 pages. Clearly, if the ancients wished to hide ...

By |May 4th, 2018|

Does Spousal Support Continue After Remarriage?

Martha Dandridge Custis, poor woman, was married to her first husband a mere seven years before he up and died on her, leaving her — at the tender age of 25 — with two small children. Well, we say poor woman, but Daniel Parke Custis left her a pile of money, real estate, and other property. She was quite the ...

By |May 12th, 2017|
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