Does Length of Marriage Affect Spousal Support?
We must all feel a certain pity for poor Antonio C., 99 years young and happily married to 96-year-old Rosa C., for 77 years. The Italian ...
We must all feel a certain pity for poor Antonio C., 99 years young and happily married to 96-year-old Rosa C., for 77 years. The Italian ...
In the Marx Brothers movie A Night at the Opera1, 15 adults squeeze into an ocean liner’s cabin. Besides the four Marx Brothers, two chamber maids, ...
Fighting insomnia? We recommend visiting The University of Queensland (Australia) website1 dedicated to the Pitch Drop Experiment. Thrill to seeing live webcam views of pitch, a ...
Virginia’s yellow sac spider1 is unfairly maligned. Contrary to myth, it does not have dangerously toxic venom. Many Virginians think otherwise, and mistakenly squash them. Mistakes ...
Consider stromatolites. They look like rocks, but stromatolites1 are the world’s oldest life forms. They date back 3.7 billion years, or roughly half the time you’ll ...
For most men, dealings with Virginia’s legal system are rare and unusual experiences. Whether struggling through a divorce, seeking spousal support or facing a paternity suit, ...
Economists will tell you that a person can have good debt and bad debt. Mortgage? Good debt. Credit cards? Bad debt. In a Virginia divorce, all ...
An old saying goes, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” The same is true with paying for a divorce: if you think getting divorced ...
Ideas come in three varieties: good, bad, and whaaa? An example of a good idea is our country’s system of laws (at least for the most ...