Virginia Child Protective Services

My Wife is Threatening to Not Return My Children

Childhood taunts seem to be in the air these days. "I know you are but what am I?" "I'm rubber and you're glue; your words bounce off me and stick to you." If you find your ex-wife stooping to the level of a schoolyard bully in dealing with parenting time, try these four solutions. It’s Not “Just a Threat” In a ...

By |December 16th, 2019|

What is Considered an Unstable or Unsafe Household?

To make nitroglycerin without blowing yourself up, take a tip from Alfred Nobel (yes, that Nobel, of the Nobel Prizes). He invented dynamite but also devised the one-legged stool for workers producing nitroglycerin. Do not take our word for it; has the full story1. Think about it: you cannot fall asleep sitting on a one-legged stool. It is inherently ...

By |August 17th, 2018|

What are the Warning Signs of Child Abuse?

You and your wife divorced several years ago. She has sole custody of Diane and Diego, who are now ages 7 and 11. Diego, during one visitation weekend, tells you he comes home after school and, until his mother (your ex-wife) gets home, he is responsible for Diane. Sometimes that is a matter of minutes; other days, he says, she ...

By |March 23rd, 2018|

Paternal Custody Facts That’ll Keep You Up at Night

The comedian W.C. Fields offered a bit of advice to a man suffering insomnia: “Oh, insomnia. I know a good cure for it - get plenty of sleep...” If you are having trouble getting a restful night’s sleep because of paternal custody issues in Virginia, consider these facts. They could make you toss and turn more, or they could be ...

By |March 24th, 2017|

When Should I File For Emergency Child Custody?

What is an emergency to one person is not important to another. Consider the 11-year-old, who feels that a forgotten school lunch box is a life-altering emergency requiring calls to Dad and interrupted work schedules. Emergency child custody, similarly, is a matter of interpretation. What could your ex-wife do that would possibly constitute an emergency? 1. Illegal Drugs Virginia, like ...

By |January 6th, 2017|
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