
military retirement

Will You Be Affected by The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA 17)?

A cornerstone of the Constitution enshrines states' rights, saying anything not specifically laid out in the Constitution by default falls to the states. This is why we have state control of education, fair housing, the death penalty, and marijuana laws. Sometimes we have conflict between federal and state law, and sometimes federal laws are enacted specifically to overrule states' laws. ...

By |March 30th, 2020|

What You Need to Know About Divorce as a Military Spouse

The astounding military leader, Alexander the Great, marched into Gordium in 333 BCE, encountered the much-ballyhooed Gordian Knot1, and sliced it apart with one swift swipe of his sword. While plenty of military men "tie the knot," many also need a way to untie their own Gordian knots. Divorcing a military spouse is more complicated than you might think. Kids, ...

By |March 16th, 2020|
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