Do I Need a Military Divorce Lawyer in Virginia?
Military men are not like other men. PFC Dirk Vlug single-handedly offed five enemy tanks in WWII.1 Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta ran through Taliban gunfire to ...
Military men are not like other men. PFC Dirk Vlug single-handedly offed five enemy tanks in WWII.1 Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta ran through Taliban gunfire to ...
She says she will go to your CO. She says she has the entire Second Fleet on speed dial. She claims she has stories to share ...
If you are a military man, you live and work at the whim of the military. Just as your children have almost no input into decisions that affect them, ...
A cornerstone of the Constitution enshrines states' rights, saying anything not specifically laid out in the Constitution by default falls to the states. This is why ...
Thomas Aquinas, medieval philosopher, offered two sides of one argument when he said, "It would seem that several angels can be at the same time in the ...
The astounding military leader, Alexander the Great, marched into Gordium in 333 BCE, encountered the much-ballyhooed Gordian Knot1, and sliced it apart with one swift swipe ...
We are going to do you the courtesy of avoiding any reference to a certain Disney animated movie that begins with F and has r-o-z-e in ...
Let's be clear: very few of our readers are actual elected officials with the federal government. We apparently have almost no U.S. Representatives or U.S. Senators ...
Divorce of any kind can be a gut-wrenching experience. Military divorces take the normal stress and amplify it, making military divorce more complicated and messier than civilian ...