Suffolk Family Lawyers
For MEN ONLY: Separation, Divorce, Child Custody, Visitation, and more
The Firm for Men serves men exclusively throughout the city of Suffolk and throughout Virginia. Our pledge to represent men only in family law cases advocates for the long overdue proposition that men deserve equal rights in divorce, child custody, support, and related matters. For years, women have spoken powerfully through group organizations, even by using law firms who represent women only. When it comes to civil rights and the spectrum of women’s rights in society, we fully support and applaud the cause of women’s rights, but realize that in family law doctrines, men have suffered an unjust relegation at times to a second-class status.
The Firm for Men solves that weakness by speaking for and representing only men in all family law matters. Until now, you were required to choose an attorney who represents women every day in divorce, custody and support court. Unfortunately, that practice may tend to water down the attorney’s feelings and message when he or she later represents a man in a similar matter. The Firm for Men eliminates the conflict by representing only men, and you benefit in the process by having a more assuredly undiluted position stated on your behalf!
Child Custody & Visitation
Our focus translates to powerful reasons for men to seek our services. Child custody and visitation matters are one important area where Firm for Men provides a particularly important service for those who need a strong legal voice in their corner.
Military men especially face unique complications regarding these issues and their representation must be vigilant to be effective. We will stand by you even when you are serving away on military orders. We are familiar with the Service Members Civil Relief Act and will coordinate our representation of your interests with you before you leave, while you are gone, and when you return. You will always be in the loop and you will always have a hand in asserting your position on important decisions affecting your rights.
We will use the available, but sometimes limited, power of the SCRA to shield you from court proceedings to the maximum extent provided under that law. Where the law does not provide for a halt of legal proceedings to protect you from court actions in your absence, we will turn to case law and other legal avenues to protect your interests. Our legal staff is conversant with the legal principles that apply to protect military members who are deployed and unable to speak for themselves. Whenever possible under legal authority, we will use the law to postpone legal proceedings until you return.
In addition to strictly family law matters, the SCRA provides hundreds of other potential areas of protection while on assignment. The Firm For Men will remain engaged while you are abroad fighting for your country’s security!
Schedule a consultation with our lawyers today by calling 757-383-9184 or contact us online.