Child Support

5-ish Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Family Law Case

Dr. Phil is not a medical doctor or licensed psychologist. He has a doctoral degree in clinical psychology. Having said that, and acknowledging he is not any more qualified to offer psychology than your local bartender, he does speak plain truths to complicated people. Want to watch him skewer selfish parents dealing with divorce? You can watch the drama here, or ...

By |August 17th, 2020|

I’m Paying Child Support for Children Who Aren’t Mine

This article is not about money. We know, child support means money, but the root of this issue is paternity, not money. If you are paying child support for children who are not yours, you have a paternity problem that has created a money problem. Here is what you can do about both. Asserting Your Rights Without appearing to be ...

By |August 10th, 2020|

How Does a Child from Another Relationship Affect Child Support?

What do Jason Mamoa, Terry Cruz, and Steven Spielberg have in common? They are all fathers in blended families. We need have no worries that their children and stepchildren are financially secure. But can we say the same for the typical Virginia blended family? How does a child from another relationship affect child support in Virginia? The Child’s Best Interests ...

By |July 6th, 2020|

Military Relocation and Your Family Law Matter

If you are a military man, you live and work at the whim of the military. Just as your children have almost no input into decisions that affect them, you have little input into decisions affecting you. You rise in rank and earn more pay; you are unlikely to say no to those decisions. You are relocated to a distant base; you have to ...

By |June 1st, 2020|

What’s the Significance of The Child Support Recovery Act of 1992?

The State of Franklin1 was a territory carved out of eastern Tennessee 236 years ago. Its founders intended it to be the nation's 14th state. Do we need to point out it does not now exist? Some Dads seem to think they can somehow disappear into non-existent states today, to escape child support payments. The harsh reality? The Child Support Recovery Act ...

By |May 25th, 2020|

COVID-19 & Loss of Pay: What If I Can’t Pay My Spousal or Child Support?

The COVID-19 emergency that has gripped Virginia and the world has rippled through every part of our lives. If you pay either spousal support or child support in Virginia and have been affected by COVID-19, you should know about legal remedies that may help. Closed Courts The Virginia Supreme Court’s original judicial emergency order has been extended, keeping most courts ...

By |May 8th, 2020|

Navigating Your Virginia Family Law Matter During COVID-19

Much of the time on these pages, we take a bit of a sassy approach to family law matters. With the worldwide pandemic from COVID-19, we are setting aside our usual stand-up routine and standing up for you, Virginia’s men, as you attempt to deal with the Virginia courts. Here is what can and cannot be done in these perilous ...

By |May 5th, 2020|

Drug Addiction and Its Effects on Your Virginia Family Law Case

Virginia has a drug addiction problem. According to The Commonwealth Fund1, our state suffered 17.1 drug-poisoning deaths per 100,000 Virginians in 2017 (the latest year for data). That may not sound like a lot, but it is significantly elevated above the 2013 rate of 10.2 deaths per 100,000. Your family law case — child custody, separation, divorce, spousal support — can be affected ...

By |February 3rd, 2020|

Should I Sign a Temporary Agreement for Pendente Lite Purposes?

On the University of Colorado's campus sits Temporary Building No. 1, built in 1898. It is still in use. Most temporary things, like temporary agreements in divorce or other family law matters, are not meant to last 121 years. Beware, though; even a temporary agreement can have long-lasting consequences. Temporary Agreements in Divorce Temporary agreements can work in many areas ...

By |December 2nd, 2019|
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