Child Support

How Can I Figure Out How Much Virginia Child Support Should Cost?

We went to visit one of Virginia Beach’s psychic readers the other day. We knocked on her door. From somewhere inside she asked, “Who is it?” So we left. How good could she be? Anyway, even though child support calculations can seem to be the stuff of crystal ball gazing, they really are not beyond your abilities to understand. Let’s ...

By |January 31st, 2022|

Child Support Arrears, Compound Interest, and You

Here’s a mathematical puzzle to nudge your noggin: how can you take $8,800 and turn it into $7.5 million? Ben Franklin knew the trick; he left $4,400 to Boston and the same sum to Philadelphia, leaving the heavy lifting to compound interest. Exactly 200 years later, Boston had a tidy sum of $5 million, with Philadelphia reaping about $2.5 million. ...

By |January 10th, 2022|

Can Child Support Switch from One State to Another?

The Articles of Confederation, our nation’s first “constitution,” were badly flawed. Each state could have set up tolls and tariffs at its borders, so a sack of Virginia peanuts traveling to New York could have had an expensive and perilous journey. Today interstate laws provide for the smooth flow of goods and services between the states. That flow includes child ...

By |August 16th, 2021|

How Does Child Support Work if the Parents Live in Different States?

You think you live in Virginia and the other parent of your kids thinks she or he lives in South Carolina. You’re wrong: you both live in UIFSA. UIFSA has only one state and expects parents owing child support to pay it, regardless of either parent’s address. UIFSA: The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act UIFSA stands for the Uniform Interstate ...

By |July 19th, 2021|

Can DCSE Take My Stimulus?

Death and taxes, according to Christopher Bullock in 1716, are the only two things of which we can be sure. With the 21st century, we might add student debt and child support to those certainties. They are also two of the obligations nearly impossible to shirk without consequences. Garnishment for Child Support If you owe child support payments in Virginia, ...

By |June 14th, 2021|

Is a Child’s SSI Considered in Child Support Calculations?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a safety net provided by federal tax dollars to prevent low-income elderly or disabled individuals, including blind or disabled children, from living on canned cat food. That may be a bit of hyperbole, but the poor (literally) folks getting SSI must have almost no other assets. So how does SSI figure in child support calculations? ...

By |March 29th, 2021|

Can You Stop Child Support if Both Parents Agree?

Child support payments in Virginia are neither reward nor punishment. They are intended to keep children happily living the lives they came to expect before Mom and Dad went their separate ways. If both parents want to put a halt to child support, is Virginia okay with that? Okay, Why Child Support? Virginia requires child support payments so that Virginia’s ...

By |March 8th, 2021|

How Much Do You Have to Owe in Child Support to Go to Jail?

How many zeros in a bajillion dollars? Sometime in the early 1990s, trolls and wags forged the word bajillion to join all the other words for a fantastically large amount of money. Kazillion, katrillion, umptillion — and our personal favorite, Godzillion (a cross between cool cash and a Japanese movie monster?). Just how much money does a Virginia noncustodial parent ...

By |November 23rd, 2020|
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