

What Exactly is “Reasonable” Visitation?

Few adults enjoy ceding power they once wielded with gusto. For Virginia Moms and Dads, giving up decision-making power over your own children is one of the worst aspects of child custody and visitation. This is why, for many Virginia fathers, "reasonable visitation" is a welcome concept. Though (like most legal tangles) it is not without flaws, reasonable visitation returns ...

By |November 21st, 2018|

What is Agreed Divorce? Do I Need a Lawyer for Agreed Divorce?

You two began married life in complete agreement. Then you discovered she liked the Red Sox, and you were a Braves fan. No big deal, but then more and more disagreements emerged. Major issues; enormous emotional pain. After all the boundless suffering and bonds sundered, you finally agree on only one more thing: you need to divorce. How can you ...

By |November 12th, 2018|

What Does a Family Lawyer Do in a Divorce Case?

You enter the Virginia Beach law office tentatively, nervous and unsure of what to expect. You shake a hand; you sit down, you spill your guts. The person you hope will become your lawyer listens, takes some notes, and explains the process. You feel better, but as you leave, you wonder, what is the divorce lawyer going to do to ...

By |November 7th, 2018|

Can My Child Refuse Visitation With Me?

You have your eight-year-old daughter all packed and ready for a week with her mother. You are supposed to hand her off within the hour, in compliance with the court-ordered child visitation schedule. Before she is in your car, though, she says she does not want to go to her mother’s house again. She says the house smells, and her ...

By |August 31st, 2018|

Is Malicious Mother Syndrome a Real Thing?

If you are at all embarrassed to ask your doctor for help with ... er ... bedroom issues, imagine strapping on Pulvermacher’s Galvano-Electric Chain Belt1. Weighing in at 2.2 pounds, it was a collection of needlessly complex nonsense once used to treat ED, promote digestion, and relieve rheumatism. The chain belt was hardly a discrete item for manly men of ...

By |July 11th, 2018|

Can I Take My Kids Out-of-State for Summer Vacation?

You and your ex-wife have worked out the bumps and edges of separation, divorce, and child custody. Now you are looking to summer, when the parenting time schedule you two worked out includes three whole weeks with your adorable children, June and Auguste. You are excited to have little Auguste and June for most of July, and plan to drive ...

By |May 30th, 2018|

20+ Disturbing Facts about Fatherlessness

Perhaps as a way to make ourselves feel better, humans unscientifically invented the notion of “compensation” for deficits. We tell ourselves, for instance, that blind people have more acute hearing, or that hearing-impaired people are excellent lip readers (neither of which is true, says Michigan’s Community Service Commission). Often we drape the same socially comfortable cover over fatherlessness, trying to ...

By |May 11th, 2018|

Can Text Messages Be Used as Evidence in Family Law Court?

Virginia’s laws of evidence are described and organized in great detail in the Rules of Supreme Court of Virginia (616 pages and no pictures!). Thumb through to page 95 and you get to the Good Part, the Virginia Rules of Evidence, which continue along to page 175, a tedious and tiresome 80 pages. Clearly, if the ancients wished to hide ...

By |May 4th, 2018|
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