
Father’s Rights

My Ex In-laws are Trying to Make My Kids Hate Me … What Should I Do?

When you divorce your wife, you also divorce her family. That moment is a huge reset button for relationships. Any veneer of cordiality is ripped away. Any pretense to continue tolerating one another is sundered. After the divorce's legal clauses come out, the claws come out. What if your ex-wife's parents or siblings are deliberately trying to drive a wedge between ...

By |April 8th, 2019|

My Child’s Mother Won’t Let Me Have Overnights – Is that Allowed?

In Virginia, some parents have an interesting (if inaccurate) view of court documents. Apparently, they feel they are optional, as in, the parent can ignore the specific directions of a court. These same parents may feel "Shampoo, Rinse, Repeat" is a little bossy, or that advice not to look at solar eclipses is just fear-mongering. Imagine their surprise, then, to ...

By |March 25th, 2019|

The Legitimacy of Breastfeeding Concerns in Child Custody & Visitation

Throughout the annals of medicine, a stark reality has been a prevailing pattern: doctors are merely human, after all. They sometimes dispensed bad advice. Doctors do have, though, one vital tool in their armamentarium: education over years of long hours, hard work and hands-on learning. So while any parade of social media gurus can blather on about breastfeeding do’s and ...

By |October 15th, 2018|

Is Malicious Mother Syndrome a Real Thing?

If you are at all embarrassed to ask your doctor for help with ... er ... bedroom issues, imagine strapping on Pulvermacher’s Galvano-Electric Chain Belt1. Weighing in at 2.2 pounds, it was a collection of needlessly complex nonsense once used to treat ED, promote digestion, and relieve rheumatism. The chain belt was hardly a discrete item for manly men of ...

By |July 11th, 2018|

Can I Take My Kids Out-of-State for Summer Vacation?

You and your ex-wife have worked out the bumps and edges of separation, divorce, and child custody. Now you are looking to summer, when the parenting time schedule you two worked out includes three whole weeks with your adorable children, June and Auguste. You are excited to have little Auguste and June for most of July, and plan to drive ...

By |May 30th, 2018|
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